Celebrating the St. Louis Jesuits
/The St. Louis Jesuits (September, 2019): Bob Dufford, Jon Foley, Tim Manion, Dan Schutte, and Roc O’Connor.
On September 29, 2019, the five member of the St. Louis Jesuits presented their final concert together, and OYH was there! Today, co-hosts Zack and Matt are joined by several guests to look back on the contributions of this pioneering group of composers. You’ll hear from listeners, pastoral musicians, and liturgical composers including Tom Booth, Lorraine Hess, Carol Browning, Bob Moore, Rory Cooney, Craig Colson, and Jaime Cortez. Most importantly, you’ll hear lots of our favorite songs from the past fifty years.
The final concert of the St. Louis Jesuits at the Powell Theater in St. Louis, Missouri (September 29, 2019).
So, please open your hymnals to the music of the St. Louis Jesuits!
Episode links
For more information about the St. Louis Jesuits and their other compositions, visit their composer pages at OCP: Bob Dufford, John Foley, Tim Manion, Roc O’Connor, and Dan Schutte.
You can help support this podcast by supporting our sponsors. For more information about the sponsor of this episode - Great Catholic Music - visit their link.
You can purchase a special commemorative recording, “Coming Home,” that includes all of the songs from the Jesuits’ final concert. Most of the recordings used in this episode came from this collection (those not from this album are linked below).
You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: “Earthen Vessels” (John Foley), “Lift Up Your Hearts” (Roc O’Connor), “Seek the Lord” (Roc O’Connor), “This Alone” (Tim Manion), “Be Not Afraid” (Bob Dufford), “One Bread, One Body” (John Foley), “City of God” (Dan Schutte), “Jesus the Lord” (Roc O’Connor), “May We Praise You” (John Foley), “All the Ends of the Earth” (Bob Dufford), “Here I Am, Lord” (Dan Schutte), “Sing of Him” (Bob Dufford), “Take, Lord, Receive” (John Foley), “Sing to the Mountains” (Bob Dufford), “Emanuel” (Tim Manion), “Blest be the Lord” (Dan Schutte), “There is a River” (Tim Manion), and “Though the Mountains May Fall” (Dan Schutte).
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