In Memoriam, 2020


This week we celebrate the Feast of All Souls, and in this time of remembrance, we thought we’d take some time to honor the composers, text authors, and pastoral musicians who passed away over this last year. 

In this episode, you’ll hear music from six members of our field who died between November 2019 and November 2020. As we celebrate their lives and their contributions, we hope you’ll join us and add in the names of your loved ones, colleagues, friends, mentors, choir members, neighbors – who died in 2020.

Episode links

For more information about the composers we featured, visit the following links: Colin Mawby, Pablo Sosa, Ray Repp, Carlos Rosas, Graham Maule, and Shirley Erena Murray.

You can also purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: “We Remember” (Carol Browning and Martin Willett), “Lullaby” (Colin Mawby), “Regina Caeli” (Colin Mawby), “Celtic Blessing” (Colin Mawby), “Si fui motivo de dolor” (Pablo Sosa), “Yo se que se” (Pablo Sosa), “El cielo canta alegría” (Pablo Sosa), “Into Your Hands” (Ray Repp), “Into Your Hands” (Ray Repp), “Peace My Friends” (Ray Repp), “Cantemos al Señor” (Carlos Rosas), “El Señor es Mi Pastor” (Carlos Rosas), “Take This Moment” (John Bell, Graham Maule), “Hey, My Love” (John Bell, Graham Maule), “The Quiet Center” (Zack Stachowski, Shirley Erena Murray), “And Jesus Said” (Tony Alonso, Shirley Erena Murray), and “Sing for Peace” (Marty Haugen, Shirley Erena Murray).

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Episode 47: In Memoriam, 2020
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

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