Songs of Advent: "This is Your Justice"

Matt Reichert, Craig Colson, and Zack Stachowski at the 2018 NPM Convention in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Matt Reichert, Craig Colson, and Zack Stachowski at the 2018 NPM Convention in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Happy Advent! As we journey through this sacred season toward the celebration of Christ’s birth we are spending time revisiting some of our favorite Advent music. Today we feature a conversation with Craig Colson about his piece “This is Your Justice,” filled with references to texts from the prophet Isaiah. In addition to excerpts from our interview with Craig you’ll hear an extended playlist, journeying through new and familiar music for the season. Make sure to visit our social media pages for more Advent music, and make sure you are subscribed so you don’t miss our upcoming Christmas special features, including the 2020 edition of our annual OYH Lessons and Carols.

So, please open your hymnals to “This is Your Justice” and the music of Advent!

Episode links

For more information about Craig Colson and his other compositions, visit his composer pages at GIA Publications and OCP.

You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recording for "This is Your Justice” from GIA Publications. You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “People Look East” (arr. Sondra Tucker), “Why Don’t You Tear Apart the Heavens” (John L. Bell), “Maranatha, Lord Messiah” (Kathy Powell), “Preparen el Camino” (Fernando Rodriguez), “Cantaré Eternamente/Forever I Will Sing” (Mary Frances Reza), “Prepare the Way for the Coming of the Lord” (Jalonda Robertson), “Gaudete” (Albert Coppo), “Magnificat” (Janèt Sullivan Whitaker), “Your Light Will Come Jerusalem” (Bob Hurd), “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord” (Kenneth Louis), and the instrumental arrangement of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” for organ and brass (arr. Sondra Tucker).

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Episode 48: Songs of Advent I, "This is Your Justice" (featuring Craig Colson)
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Selects: "Creator of the Stars of Night"

Zack Stachowski, Carol Browning, and Matt Reichert (February, 2018)

Zack Stachowski, Carol Browning, and Matt Reichert (February, 2018)

We are proud to bring you this interview replay! This episode was originally posted in late December, 2018.

Happy New Liturgical Year! Advent has just begun, and to kick things off, we’re bringing you one of our favorite seasonal episodes from the past four years. Join Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert as they speak with composer Carol Browning about “Creator of the Stars of Night.” Bob Moore stops by to talk about Carol’s music, and Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB, gives some historical background to the 1,000-year-old chant hymn at the core of this piece. Plus, you’ll hear a bunch of great music in the OYH Playlist.

So, please open your hymnal to "Creator of the Stars of Night."


Episode links

For more information about Carol Browning and her other compositions, visit her composer pages at GIA Publications, MorningStar Music, and Liturgical Press.

You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recording for "Creator of the Stars of Night” from GIA Publications. You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “People Look East” (arr. Sondra Tucker), “Silent Night" (arr. Steve Petrunak), organ recording of “Creator of the Stars of Night” (arr. John Keys), "Conditor Alma Siderum" (traditional), "Ubi Caritas" (Carol Browning), "O God, Behold Your Family Here" (Bob Moore), “Christ, Circle Round Us" (Dan Schutte), “Peace be With Those” (Carol Browning), “Carol of the Dawn” (Janet Sullivan Whitacre), “Ave Generosa” (Ola Gjielo), and “People Look East” (arr. Marty Haugen). 

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OYH Selects: "Creator of the Stars of Night" (Browning)
Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

In Memoriam, 2020


This week we celebrate the Feast of All Souls, and in this time of remembrance, we thought we’d take some time to honor the composers, text authors, and pastoral musicians who passed away over this last year. 

In this episode, you’ll hear music from six members of our field who died between November 2019 and November 2020. As we celebrate their lives and their contributions, we hope you’ll join us and add in the names of your loved ones, colleagues, friends, mentors, choir members, neighbors – who died in 2020.

Episode links

For more information about the composers we featured, visit the following links: Colin Mawby, Pablo Sosa, Ray Repp, Carlos Rosas, Graham Maule, and Shirley Erena Murray.

You can also purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: “We Remember” (Carol Browning and Martin Willett), “Lullaby” (Colin Mawby), “Regina Caeli” (Colin Mawby), “Celtic Blessing” (Colin Mawby), “Si fui motivo de dolor” (Pablo Sosa), “Yo se que se” (Pablo Sosa), “El cielo canta alegría” (Pablo Sosa), “Into Your Hands” (Ray Repp), “Into Your Hands” (Ray Repp), “Peace My Friends” (Ray Repp), “Cantemos al Señor” (Carlos Rosas), “El Señor es Mi Pastor” (Carlos Rosas), “Take This Moment” (John Bell, Graham Maule), “Hey, My Love” (John Bell, Graham Maule), “The Quiet Center” (Zack Stachowski, Shirley Erena Murray), “And Jesus Said” (Tony Alonso, Shirley Erena Murray), and “Sing for Peace” (Marty Haugen, Shirley Erena Murray).

Don't forget to "subscribe" so you'll never miss an episode!

Episode 47: In Memoriam, 2020
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

Season 4 Kick-Off!


It’s finally here! After an extended summer “break,” we’re happy to be back with an all new episode! Today we’re kicking-off Season 4 of Open Your Hymnal with a special preview episode. You’ll hear a run-down of the songs and composers we’ll be featuring in our upcoming season. You’ll also hear a little more about some of our new approach to programming and interviewing. Our first full interview episode will be out in just a few weeks.

Of course, we have more plans in the works for Season 4 than we were able to talk about in today’s episode. We’ve got additional interviews, some surprise guests, lots of themed episodes, and more. If you haven’t already done so, follow us on social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter). Subscribe so you’ll never miss an episode! You can subscribe to OYH on Apple Music, Spotify, and Google Play.

We’re glad to have you with us for another season of the show. So, please open your hymnals to Season 4!

Episode links

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: “In Every Age” (Janèt Sullian Whitaker), “Jesus Comes” (Sally Ann Morris, text by Mel Bringle), “Not By Bread Alone” (M. Roger Holland, II), “I Say Yes, Lord/Digo Si, Señor” (Donna Peña), “Have Mercy On Us For We Have Sinned” (W. Clifford Petty), “Behold the Lamb” (Martin Willett), “I Am the Bread of Life” (Suzanne Toolan, arr. Rory Cooney), “Table of Plenty” (Dan Schutte), “Shepherd of My Heart” (Francis Patrick O’Brien), “Holy, Holy, Holy” from Mass of Joy & Peace (Tony Alonso), “Santo, Santo, Santo” from Misa Luna (Peter Kolar), “Ang Katawan ni Kristo/Behold, the Body of Christ” (Fr. Ricky Manalo, Pia de Leon), “You, the Christ” (Ian Callanan, text by Shirley Erena Murray), “This is Your Justice” (Craig Colson), and “With Great Love” (Chris de Silva).

Episode 45: Season 4 Kick-Off! (Various)
Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

Songs for This Time of Pain and Darkness

Artwork by Bro. Mickey McGrath (used with permission)

Artwork by Bro. Mickey McGrath (used with permission)

As with all of you, things at Open Your Hymnal have been different the last several weeks. So, we’re behind with our new episodes. We promise we’ll get back to them very soon. 

In the meantime, though, we can’t ignore the things that are happening in our communities. We’re feeling the pile up of grief, sadness, anger, and hopelessness. So, we offer these songs to you, hoping they meet you wherever you are, that they accompany you, speak to you. At a time when, on the one hand we’ve lost our ability to sing together and, on the other hand, we’re made speechless by so much pain and injustice, we hope that we can still be fed, lead, and joined together by a power that can only come through music. 

There won’t be any conversation in this episode, just the music. Thank you for spending this time with us in prayer and reflection. May we be healed, but never the same. May we all respond to the call, accept the commission, for real work, real action, real justice. 

Episode links

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: piano instrumental of “The Cloud’s Veil” (arr. Paul Tate), “The Cloud’s Veil” (Liam Lawton), “Christ Be Our Light” (Bernadette Farrell), “Will the Circle Be Unbroken” (Tony Alonso), “How Long, O Lord” (John L. Bell), “There is a Longing” (Anne Quigley), “Have Mercy on Us for We Have Sinned” (W. Clifford Petty), “What You Have Done” (Ed Eicker), “Hold on To Love” (Jesse Manibusan), “Day of Peace” (Janet Sullivan Whitaker), “Love Burn Bright” (Chris de Silva), “Koinonia” (arr. James Abbington), “When One Among Us” (Lori True), and “We Shall Overcome” (arr. Robert T. Gibson).

Episode 44: Songs in this Time of Pain and Darkness (Various)
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Easter Vigil

(Photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

(Photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

This is the night! Our prayer series concludes with this offering for the Easter Vigil. You’ll hear prayers written by John Kyler, a reflection given by Fr. Michael Joncas, and music selections from several composers. May it be a way for you to enter deeply into these holy days, and may it serve as a way for us all to pray together, though we are apart.

So, please pray with us!

Notes and resources

The OYH 2020 Triduum Prayer Series is made possible through the generous support of St. Catherine University. For more information about St. Kate’s, visit

The reflection you heard was written and delivered by Fr. Michael Joncas. The prayer texts appear in the resource “Holy Week at Home” and are used with permission. They were written by John Kyler and are published by Liturgical Press.

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Exsultet-Easter Proclamation” (arr. J. Michael Thompson), “Rejoice” and “Triumph” from Colours 2 (Chris de Silva), “Resucito/He is Risen” (Kiko Arguello), “Litany of the Saints” (John D. Becker), “Lord’s Prayer” (Collegeville Composers’ Group), and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (arr. M. Roger Holland, II).

OYH Prayer Series: Easter Vigil
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Good Friday

(Photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

(Photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

Our prayer series continues with this offering for Good Friday, or Friday of the Passion of the Lord. You’ll hear prayers written by John Kyler, a reflection given by Fr. Michael Joncas, and music selections from several composers. May it be a way for you to enter deeply into these holy days, and may it serve as a way for us all to pray together, though we are apart.

So, please pray with us!

Notes and resources

The OYH 2020 Triduum Prayer Series is made possible through the generous support of St. Catherine University. For more information about St. Kate’s, visit

The reflection you heard was written and delivered by Fr. Michael Joncas. The prayer texts appear in the resource “Holy Week at Home” and are used with permission. They were written by John Kyler and are published by Liturgical Press.

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “The Seven Last Words from the Cross” (Anne Quigley), “In Manus Tuas, Pater (Jacques Berthier), “My People, What Have I Done to You?” (Jeremy Kiolbassa), “Lord’s Prayer” (Collegeville Composers’ Group), and “Jesus, Remember Me” (Jacques Berthier).

OYH Prayer Series: Good Friday
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Holy Thursday


These holy days of Triduum are unlike any other days of the year. This year, for many in areas affected by COVID-19, our celebration will be unlike any other year. In order to provide a way for us to still pray together, we are presenting a special podcast series for Triduum. You’ll hear prayers written by John Kyler, a reflection given by Fr. Michael Joncas, and music selections from several composers.

So, please pray with us!

Notes and resources

The OYH 2020 Triduum Prayer Series is made possible through the generous support of St. Catherine University. For more information about St. Kate’s, visit

The reflection you heard was written and delivered by Fr. Michael Joncas. The prayer texts appear in the resource “Holy Week at Home” and are used with permission. They were written by John Kyler and are published by Liturgical Press.

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Ubi Caritas” (Chris de Silva), “Eucharistic Suite” from Seasons of Grace, volume 2 (arr. Paul Tate), “Lord’s Prayer” (Collegeville Composers’ Group), and “Stay With Me” (Jacques Berthier).

OYH Prayer Series: Holy Thursday
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Stations of the Cross

(photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

(photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

At this time of year, communities gather together to pray the Stations of the Cross. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, this is not possible for many parishes around the world. In order to provide a way for us to still walk the way of the Cross together, we are presenting a special podcast version of Stations of the Cross with original reflections and prayers as well as a newly composed music setting by Zack Stachowski. You’ll also hear several selections from several composers you know..

So, please pray with us!

Notes and resources

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Way of the Cross” (Francisco), “Restless is the Heart” (Farrell), “Sing Out, My Soul” (Whitaker), “When One Among Us” (True), “The Cross of Jesus” (O’Brien), “Psalm 22: My God, My God” (Montgomery), and “Ave Verum Corpus” (Moore).

Download the guide for use in your home or parish by following the links below!

The Way of the Cross: A Prayer of Hope and Healing Amidst a Global Pandemic

PARISH USE version


PURCHASE MUSIC for the sung introductions

Guided Video Prayer

OYH Prayer Series: Stations of the Cross
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer A Cover.jpg

Take twenty minutes out of your day to pause, reflect, and pray. Following a basic evening prayer structure, this prayer experience includes Psalmody, Psalm prayers, readings from Scripture, time for reflection, intercessions, and a blessing.

Pray and sing along! Download the Worship Aid.

Notes and resources

The script for this prayer is a modified version of a prayer script found in A Future With Hope, a prayer resource written by co-hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert. A leader guide and participant guides are available from 23rd Publications.

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Healing River of the Spirit” (text by Duck), “Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God” (Alonso), "Psalm 131: In You, O Lord, I Have Found My Peace” (Guimont), “Healing River of the Spirit (Heart of Hope)” (arr. Briare), “My Soul Proclaims” (Toolan), “Oracion De Los Fieles” (Kolar), the Lord’s Prayer from “Communion Rite - May We Be One” (arr. Daigle), and “Dios Nos Bendiga” (Manibusan).

OYH Prayer Series: Evening Prayer A
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

Pray and sing along! Download the Worship Aid.

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.