"My Soul is Thirsting"
/Matt Reichert, Steve Angrisano, and Zack Stachowski (NPM Baltimore, 2018)
You likely knew that composer Steve Angrisano is very talented musician and speaker. But, did you also know that he’s a great foot washer? It’s just one of the many things we discussed when we discussed his setting of Psalm 63, “My Soul is Thirsting.” Join co-hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert as they speak with Steve about songwriting, contemporary music, family ministry, mentorship, and what the Church gets wrong about young people. We’ll also get a little closer to answering the question that’s been on all of our minds: just how big of a nerd was Zack in high school? It’s a conversation you won’t want to miss!
So, please open your hymnal to "My Soul is Thirsting."
Episode links
For more information about Steve Angrisano and his other compositions, visit his composer page at OCP. You can also visit his personal website: www.steveangrisano.com.
You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recording for "My Soul is Thirsting” from OCP. You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “Gloria from Mass of Light” (David Haas),” At Dawn" (Steve Petrunak), piano recording of “My Soul is Thirsting” (arr. Jon Sarta), "Entrance Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Easter" (Fr. Columba Kelly, OSB), "Go Make a Difference" (Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek), "A Rightful Place" (Steve Angrisano), “Here I Am to Worship" (Tim Hughes), “I Am the Bread of Life” (Steve Angrisano and Tom Booth), “Psalm 63: Mi Alma Esta Sedienta de Ti” (Donna Pena), “Voices that Challenge” (David Haas,” and “You Are the Way” (Steve Angrisano).
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