OYH Lessons & Carols, 2018
/“The Nativity,” from The Saint John’s Bible
We are closing out Advent with our fourth release, our first ever “OYH Lessons & Carols.” You’ll hear a range of great music from a variety of composers. You’ll also hear readings woven throughout, read by friends of the podcast: David Haas, Jes Garceau, Audrey Reichert, Carol Browning, and Jesse Manibusan. Whether you listen while driving in the car, baking Christmas cookies, preparing for liturgy, or anyplace else, we hope that this celebration will serve as a moment of pause and reflection during this busy time of year.
So, please open your hymnals!
Episode links
You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (arr. Petrunak), “Gaudete” (arr. Haas), piano instrumental “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (arr. Tate), “Great Joy” (Haas), “Where the Promise Shines” (Moore), piano instrumental “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (arr. Tate), “More Lovely Than the Rose” (Kreutz), “Christmas Love” (Ridge), “Ecce Novum” (Gjeilo), guitar instrumental “Silent Night” (arr. Petrunak), “Still, Still, Still” (arr. Eicker), “Nativity Carol” (O’Brien), “Infant Holy” (arr. Coman), guitar instrumental “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” (arr. Roth), “O Come, All Ye Faithful” (Angotti), “By Star and Candlelight” (Powell), “Wake from Your Sleep” (Schutte), guitar instrumental “I Wonder as I Wander” (arr. Roth), “Verbum Caro” (anon.), “We Do Not Know” (Bell, arr. Alonso), “Come Weal, Come Woe” (Foley), “For Unto Us a Child is Born” (Handel), organ arrangement of “Joy to the World” (arr. Newman).
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