"In Every Age"
/Zack Stachowski, Janet Sullivan Whitaker, and Matt Reichert on the first OYH Zoom interview!
We’ve been featuring the music of Janèt Sullivan Whitaker in our episodes for several seasons. If you’re a long-time listener of the podcast, you’ve heard her compositions in many “OYH Playlist” segments and special themed episodes. We’re excited to finally feature an interview with Janèt, and we discuss all of the usual topics: setting text, crafting melody, and more. We’ll also hear one of our favorite cringe-worthy cantor moments, and you don’t want to miss it.
So, please open your hymnals to “In Every Age.”
NOTE: Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we aren’t traveling. We normally capture our interviews in-person while attending conferences or conventions. This interview was conducted and recorded via a Zoom videoconference. While it might sound different, we look forward to broadening the range of guests we are able to feature in our upcoming episodes.
Episode links
For more information about Janèt Sullivan Whitaker and her other compositions, visit her composer pages at OCP and GIA Publications.
You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recording for "In Every Age” from OCP.
You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: Piano instrumental of “In Every Age” (arr. Teresa Tedder), “God in the Barren Spaces” (Basi), “Taste and See” (Moore), and “Day of Peace” (Whitaker).
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