OYH Lessons & Carols, 2019

Ethiopian Creche, Saint John’s Abbey (Collegeville, MN)

Ethiopian Creche, Saint John’s Abbey (Collegeville, MN)

We are closing out Advent with our second annual “OYH Lessons & Carols.” You’ll hear a range of great music from a variety of composers. You’ll also hear non-scriptural readings woven throughout, read by friends of the podcast: Meredith Augustin, Rory Cooney, Bex Gaunt, David Haas, Carol Browning, Jaime Cortez, Kate Williams, and Audrey and Clare Reichert.

For a scripture-based lessons and carols, visit our 2018 OYH Lessons & Carols episode.

Whether you listen while driving in the car, baking Christmas cookies, preparing for liturgy, or anyplace else, we hope that this celebration will serve as a moment of pause and reflection during this busy time of year.

So, please open your hymnals!


Episode links

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (arr. Petrunak), “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (arr. Schlenker), “Like a Whisper in the Heart” (Moore/Dunstan), “What Have We Done for the Poor Ones” (True), “Las Posadas” (arr. Rubalcava), “Sing Out My Soul” (Whitaker), “A Weary Couple” (Alonso/Tice), “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” (arr. Hart), “Jesus Comes” (Morris/Bringle), “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” (arr. Warren Brown), “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” (arr. Ward), and “Worship the New Born King” (Holland).

You can find links to the original readings by following these links: “So, Are You Ready for Christmas?” (Nadia Bolz Weber, 2007), “Advent” (Rory Cooney, 1992), from “The Violence of Love” (St. Oscar Romero, December 8, 1978), “Nothing is Impossible with God” (David Haas), “Are You Being Persecuted?” (Rachel Held Evans, 2014), “The Implications of Christmas” (Joan Chittister, 2018), and “The Work of Christmas Begins” (Howard Thurman).

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Episode 41: OYH Lessons & Carols, 2019 (Various)
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

In Review: One Call Institute, 2019

OCI 2019 participants in rehearsal at Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN

OCI 2019 participants in rehearsal at Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN

It’s our first audio “yearbook”! In this episode, co-hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert bring you musical highlights from the 2019 One Call Institute. One Call exists to help support, empower, and engage young pastoral musicians and their advocates. This year, participants gathered from across the country to learn, pray, and make music together. Most importantly, the participants were sent out to continue using their skills and talents in their home communities. Today’s episode explores a selection of the music used by OCI participants during prayer, the end-of-week concert, and final Mass.

So, please open your hymnals!


Episode links

For more information about the One Call Institute, visit the program website at www.onecallinstitute.org.

You can help support this podcast by supporting our sponsors. For more information about the sponsors of this episode - Ministry Scheduler Pro software, the Ministry Monday podcast, and Great Catholic Music - visit their links.

You can purchase a copy of the song recordings you heard in this episode: “Nzamuranza” (tr. Mozabique/Cameroon), “Canticle of the Turning” (Cooney), “Take, O Take Me As I Am” (Bell), “Take This Moment” (Bell), “Psalm 63: My Soul is Thirsting” (Angrisano), “Psalm 19: Words of Everlasting Life” (Alonso), “Psalm 25: I Lift My Soul” (True), “Ubi Caritas” (tr. chant), “Table Prayer: God of Life and of the Living” (Joncas), “Psalm 91: Be With Me, Lord” (Hart/Stephan), “Psalm 51: Have Mercy On Us for We Have Sinned” (Petty), “Belong” (de Silva), “10,000 Reasons” (Myrin/Redman), “Salve Regina” (tr. chant), “Da Pacem, Domine” (Franck), “This is Your Justice” (Colson), “In the Morning, In the Evening” (Gaunt), “In the Breaking of the Bread” (Ward), “Dame Tu Paz” (Betancourt), “Soli Deo Gloria” (Haugen), “From the Many, Make Us One” (Alonso), “With Rejoicing Hearts” (Cortez), “Jerusalem, My Destiny” (Cooney), “Dios Nos Bendiga” (Manibusan), and “Go Out” (Petty) .

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Episode 35: One Call Institute, 2019 (Various)
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

"I, the Lord"

Zack Stachowski, Tom Kendzia, and Matt Reichert (Baltimore, 2018)

Zack Stachowski, Tom Kendzia, and Matt Reichert (Baltimore, 2018)

Often, the songs that resonate with people the most are those that originate in authentic experience. Join hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert as they speak with composer Tom Kendzia about his song, “I, the Lord,” a song of comfort with a very personal connection. Tom will also talk about the evolution of contemporary Catholic music, give a glimpse into the recording process, explore the role of the producer, and more!

So, please open your hymnal to "I, the Lord."


Episode links

For more information about Tom Kendzia and his other compositions, visit his composer page at OCP or his personal website at www.tomkendzia.com.

You can help support this podcast by supporting our sponsors. For more information about the sponsors of this episode - Patrick J. Murphy & Associates organ builders, the book “God’s Cheerleaders” by author Paul Storm, and the album “God Never Tires” from composers Zack Stachowski and David Haas - visit their links.

You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recording for "I, the Lord” from OCP.

You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: “Praise His Name” (Tom Kendzia), example one of “On That Day” (Kate Cuddy),  example two of “On That Day” (Kate Cuddy), “Stand By Me” (Tom Kendzia, ft. ValLimar Jansen), “Isaiah 49: I Will Never Forget You” (Carey Landry, arr. Tom Kendzia), “Do Not Be Afraid” (Jeanne Cotter), “Healed in Christ” (Sarah Hart), “What You Hear in the Dark” (Dan Schutte), “We Will Want No More” (Tom Kendzia).

You can purchase “In the Year 2525” and “Chicago” from iTunes.

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Episode 32: "I, the Lord" (Kendzia)
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

Celebrating the Music of Women Composers

Sarah Hart

Sarah Hart

We’re focusing on music written by women composers, and we’re blessed to be joined by five guests: Sarah Hart, Lori True, Carol Browning, Lorraine Hess, and Kate Williams. You’ll hear our guests discuss the experience of composing, publishing, and ministry as women. You’ll also hear several additional composers featured in this episode’s OYH Playlist.

Carol Browning

Carol Browning

So, please open your hymnals!

Lori True

Lori True


Episode links

You can find out more about the work of our guests by visiting their artist pages:

  1. Sarah Hart: OCP page, personal page

  2. Lori True: GIA page

  3. Carol Browning: GIA page, MorningStar page, Liturgical Press page

  4. Lorraine Hess: WLP page, personal page

  5. Kate Williams: GIA page

Lorraine Hess

Lorraine Hess

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: “Be With Me, Lord” (Sarah Hart/Curtis Stephan), “Who is the Alien?” (Lori True), “Ubi Caritas” (Carol Browning), “Glorify Him by Your Life” (Lorraine Hess), “Hymn of St. Patrick” (Diana Macalintal), “All That is Hidden” (Bernadette Farrell), “In Every Age” (Janet Sullivan Whitacre), “Enter In” (Kathleen Basi), “Dame Tu Paz” (Anna Betancourt), “Bienaventurados” (Lourdes Montgomery"), “In the Morning, In the Evening” (Bex Gaunt), “I Am the Bread of Life” (Suzanne Toolan).

Don't forget to "subscribe" so you'll never miss an episode!

Kate Williams

Kate Williams

Episode 29: "Celebrating the Music of Women Composers" (Various)
Zack Stachowski & Matt Reichert

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.