OYH Prayer Series: Holy Thursday


These holy days of Triduum are unlike any other days of the year. This year, for many in areas affected by COVID-19, our celebration will be unlike any other year. In order to provide a way for us to still pray together, we are presenting a special podcast series for Triduum. You’ll hear prayers written by John Kyler, a reflection given by Fr. Michael Joncas, and music selections from several composers.

So, please pray with us!

Notes and resources

The OYH 2020 Triduum Prayer Series is made possible through the generous support of St. Catherine University. For more information about St. Kate’s, visit www.stkate.edu.

The reflection you heard was written and delivered by Fr. Michael Joncas. The prayer texts appear in the resource “Holy Week at Home” and are used with permission. They were written by John Kyler and are published by Liturgical Press.

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Ubi Caritas” (Chris de Silva), “Eucharistic Suite” from Seasons of Grace, volume 2 (arr. Paul Tate), “Lord’s Prayer” (Collegeville Composers’ Group), and “Stay With Me” (Jacques Berthier).

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Stations of the Cross

(photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

(photo credit: Saint John’s Abbey)

At this time of year, communities gather together to pray the Stations of the Cross. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, this is not possible for many parishes around the world. In order to provide a way for us to still walk the way of the Cross together, we are presenting a special podcast version of Stations of the Cross with original reflections and prayers as well as a newly composed music setting by Zack Stachowski. You’ll also hear several selections from several composers you know..

So, please pray with us!

Notes and resources

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Way of the Cross” (Francisco), “Restless is the Heart” (Farrell), “Sing Out, My Soul” (Whitaker), “When One Among Us” (True), “The Cross of Jesus” (O’Brien), “Psalm 22: My God, My God” (Montgomery), and “Ave Verum Corpus” (Moore).

Download the guide for use in your home or parish by following the links below!

The Way of the Cross: A Prayer of Hope and Healing Amidst a Global Pandemic

PARISH USE version


PURCHASE MUSIC for the sung introductions

Guided Video Prayer

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

2020 Hymn Tune Madness Tournament


It’s back! Our favorite podcasting event of the year returns with the 2020 “Hymn Tune Madness” Tournament. This year our bracket is populated with hymn tunes voted on by you, our faithful listeners. There are some returners from our first tournament last year, with favorites like NETTLETON, HYFRYDOL, SLANE, and PASSION CHORALE. There are also several upstarts who are making their first appearance in the tournament, like OLD HUNDREDTH, LAND OF REST, and AR HYD Y NOS.

You can download and fill-in your own bracket here. Share it with us on social media and join the conversation on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. The voting will begin on Monday, March 23 with one match-up being decided each day. Voting will take place on our social media pages, so follow us for more information and updates.

Today’s episode is an exploration of the first round match-ups, talking through each pairing in our two divisions, “New Britain” and “Darwall.” You’ll hear excerpts of each tune, and a special tribute to the 2019 Grand Champion, THAXTED.

So, please open your tournament brackets!

Episode links

For more information about these and other hymn tunes visit Hymnary.org. You can join the fun and play along with the 2020 OYH Hymn Tune Madness competition by checking out our tournament page.

Make sure to visit www.tonywardarts.com to see other work from our friend Tony Ward. Thanks again, Tony, for making this competition look good!


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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Prayer Series: Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer A Cover.jpg

Take twenty minutes out of your day to pause, reflect, and pray. Following a basic evening prayer structure, this prayer experience includes Psalmody, Psalm prayers, readings from Scripture, time for reflection, intercessions, and a blessing.

Pray and sing along! Download the Worship Aid.

Notes and resources

The script for this prayer is a modified version of a prayer script found in A Future With Hope, a prayer resource written by co-hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert. A leader guide and participant guides are available from 23rd Publications.

You can find the music you heard via the following links: “Healing River of the Spirit” (text by Duck), “Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God” (Alonso), "Psalm 131: In You, O Lord, I Have Found My Peace” (Guimont), “Healing River of the Spirit (Heart of Hope)” (arr. Briare), “My Soul Proclaims” (Toolan), “Oracion De Los Fieles” (Kolar), the Lord’s Prayer from “Communion Rite - May We Be One” (arr. Daigle), and “Dios Nos Bendiga” (Manibusan).

Pray and sing along! Download the Worship Aid.

All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

Celebrating the Music of the Dameans

The Dameans and OYH! Darryl Ducote, Matt Reichert, Buddy Caesar, Gary Daigle, Mike Balhoff, Gary Ault, and Zack Stachowski (NPM 2019, Raleigh)

The Dameans and OYH! Darryl Ducote, Matt Reichert, Buddy Caesar, Gary Daigle, Mike Balhoff, Gary Ault, and Zack Stachowski (NPM 2019, Raleigh)

The Dameans occupy a special place in the development of contemporary Catholic music following the Second Vatican Council. They made significant contributions to the growing repertoire of liturgical music, they helped shape the ways communities experienced the liturgy, and they influenced the way composers approached writing and recording music for prayer. Co-hosts Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert were fortunate to spend time with the members of the Dameans at the 2019 National Association of Pastoral Musicians convention in Raleigh, North Carolina. In this conversation, Gary Ault, Gary Daigle, Darryl Ducote, and Mike Balhoff discuss the origins of the group, their writing and recording process, some of their favorite compositions, and more.

So, please open your hymnals to the music of the Dameans!

Episode links

For more information about the Dameans and their compositions, visit GIA Publications.

You can join the fun and play along with the 2020 OYH Hymn Tune Madness competition. Also, join us for our second “OYH Live!” event featuring a conversation with Dan Schutte. For more details, visit our “Events” page.

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode. All are available from GIA Publications: “Path of Life,” “All That We Have,” “We Praise You,” “O Antiphons,” “Evening Offering,” “God is Everlasting Love,” “The Lord is Near,” “Gloryland,” “Love is Forever,” “Rest in His Peace,” and “Song of Thanksgiving.”

You can purchase a recording of “Bridge Over Troubled Water” from iTunes.

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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Lessons & Carols, 2019

Ethiopian Creche, Saint John’s Abbey (Collegeville, MN)

Ethiopian Creche, Saint John’s Abbey (Collegeville, MN)

We are closing out Advent with our second annual “OYH Lessons & Carols.” You’ll hear a range of great music from a variety of composers. You’ll also hear non-scriptural readings woven throughout, read by friends of the podcast: Meredith Augustin, Rory Cooney, Bex Gaunt, David Haas, Carol Browning, Jaime Cortez, Kate Williams, and Audrey and Clare Reichert.

For a scripture-based lessons and carols, visit our 2018 OYH Lessons & Carols episode.

Whether you listen while driving in the car, baking Christmas cookies, preparing for liturgy, or anyplace else, we hope that this celebration will serve as a moment of pause and reflection during this busy time of year.

So, please open your hymnals!


Episode links

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (arr. Petrunak), “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (arr. Schlenker), “Like a Whisper in the Heart” (Moore/Dunstan), “What Have We Done for the Poor Ones” (True), “Las Posadas” (arr. Rubalcava), “Sing Out My Soul” (Whitaker), “A Weary Couple” (Alonso/Tice), “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” (arr. Hart), “Jesus Comes” (Morris/Bringle), “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” (arr. Warren Brown), “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” (arr. Ward), and “Worship the New Born King” (Holland).

You can find links to the original readings by following these links: “So, Are You Ready for Christmas?” (Nadia Bolz Weber, 2007), “Advent” (Rory Cooney, 1992), from “The Violence of Love” (St. Oscar Romero, December 8, 1978), “Nothing is Impossible with God” (David Haas), “Are You Being Persecuted?” (Rachel Held Evans, 2014), “The Implications of Christmas” (Joan Chittister, 2018), and “The Work of Christmas Begins” (Howard Thurman).

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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

"When You Come"

Matt Reichert, Zack Stachowski, and Tony Alonso (December, 2019)

Matt Reichert, Zack Stachowski, and Tony Alonso (December, 2019)

OYH is shaking things up and turning our microphone around! Today, our co-host Zack Stachowski serves as our interview guest, speaking about his Advent piece, “When You Come.” Since the co-host is becoming the guest, it only makes sense to have one of our past guests serve as co-host. We’re glad to be joined by Tony Alonso, who serves as co-host and helped interview Zack. As a special surprise, you’ll also hear from a host of other guests from past episodes, all sharing their insights into Zack’s piece.

So, please open your hymnals to “When You Come.”

Episode links

For more information about Zack Stachowski and his other compositions, visit his composer page at GIA Publications.

Thanks to all of our guest co-hosts for today’s episode! For more information about the work of composers Tony Alonso, Dan Kantor, Lori True, Carol Browning, Michael Joncas, and David Haas, visit GIA Publications. For more information about the work of Jesse Manibusan and Paul Inwood, visit OCP. For more information about the work of Lorraine Hess, Craig Colson, and Alan Hommerding, visit World Library Publications. [NOTE: Composers are listed by primary publisher. Many composers have pieces published by more than one publishing company].

You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recording for "When You Come” from GIA Publications.

You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: “Glory to God” (David Haas), “Advent Suite” (arr. Paul Tate), “This is Your Justice” (Colson), “Within Our Hearts Be Born” (Joncas), “A Weary Couple” (arr. Alonso, text by Adam M. L. Tice), and “Panis Angelicus” (Stachowski).

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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Selects: Celebrating Hymns, Part 1

This is a special rebroadcast of our episode from November, 2018.


It’s the first OYH Hymn Fest! In honor of the Feast of St. Cecilia, patroness of music, we’re celebrating some of our favorite hymn texts and hymn tunes. We’ll play a lot of music, including hymns from the English, German, Irish, and American traditions and some recently composed texts and tunes. We’ll also chat with special guests Dr. Michael McMahon (executive director of The Hymn Society), Brian Hehn (director of the Center for Congregational Song), and Dr. Tony Alonso. You’ll hear, too, from a few of our friends as they share their favorite hymns.

As we mention in the episode, this is the first of several special episodes we’ll release this season. We’ll be preparing and releasing special episodes for “Songs of Mary,” “Songs of Christmas,” “Songs of Lent,” “Songs of Easter,” as well as episodes focusing on women composers and African American composers. Be sure to follow us on social media so you can share your requests with us. Who knows? You might end up on one of our episodes!

So, please open your hymnals!


Episode links

For more information about the work of the Hymn Society of the United States and Canada and the Center for Congregational Song, visit their websites. To find out more information about your favorite hymns, check out the website hymnary.org.

You can purchase the song recordings you heard in this episode: Instrumental arrangement of “Gloria from Mass of Light” (David Haas),” “When in Our Music God is Glorified” (ENGELBERG), “For All the Saints” (SINE NOMINE), “Rejoice the Lord is King” (DARWALL), “For the Beauty of the Earth” (DIX), “O God Beyond All Praising” (THAXTED), “Holy God, We Praise They Name” (GROSSER GOTT), “O Sacred Head Surrounded” (PASSION CHORALE), “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” (HYMN TO JOY), “Lord of All Hopefulness” (SLANE), “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” (ST. COLUMBA), “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” (DOXOLOGY), “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” (HOLY MANNA), “How Great Thou Art” (O STORE GUD), “A Place Called Home” (FINLANDIA), “Earth and All Stars” (EARTH AND ALL STARS), and “Soli Deo Gloria” (SOLI DEO GLORIA).

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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

Celebrating the St. Louis Jesuits

The St. Louis Jesuits (September, 2019): Bob Dufford, Jon Foley, Tim Manion, Dan Schutte, and Roc O’Connor.

The St. Louis Jesuits (September, 2019): Bob Dufford, Jon Foley, Tim Manion, Dan Schutte, and Roc O’Connor.

On September 29, 2019, the five member of the St. Louis Jesuits presented their final concert together, and OYH was there! Today, co-hosts Zack and Matt are joined by several guests to look back on the contributions of this pioneering group of composers. You’ll hear from listeners, pastoral musicians, and liturgical composers including Tom Booth, Lorraine Hess, Carol Browning, Bob Moore, Rory Cooney, Craig Colson, and Jaime Cortez. Most importantly, you’ll hear lots of our favorite songs from the past fifty years.

The final concert of the St. Louis Jesuits at the Powell Theater in St. Louis, Missouri (September 29, 2019).

The final concert of the St. Louis Jesuits at the Powell Theater in St. Louis, Missouri (September 29, 2019).

So, please open your hymnals to the music of the St. Louis Jesuits!

Episode links

For more information about the St. Louis Jesuits and their other compositions, visit their composer pages at OCP: Bob Dufford, John Foley, Tim Manion, Roc O’Connor, and Dan Schutte.

You can help support this podcast by supporting our sponsors. For more information about the sponsor of this episode - Great Catholic Music - visit their link.

You can purchase a special commemorative recording, “Coming Home,” that includes all of the songs from the Jesuits’ final concert. Most of the recordings used in this episode came from this collection (those not from this album are linked below).

You can also purchase the other song recordings you heard in this episode: “Earthen Vessels” (John Foley), “Lift Up Your Hearts” (Roc O’Connor), “Seek the Lord” (Roc O’Connor), “This Alone” (Tim Manion), “Be Not Afraid” (Bob Dufford), “One Bread, One Body” (John Foley), “City of God” (Dan Schutte), “Jesus the Lord” (Roc O’Connor), “May We Praise You” (John Foley), “All the Ends of the Earth” (Bob Dufford), “Here I Am, Lord” (Dan Schutte), “Sing of Him” (Bob Dufford), “Take, Lord, Receive” (John Foley), “Sing to the Mountains” (Bob Dufford), “Emanuel” (Tim Manion), “Blest be the Lord” (Dan Schutte), “There is a River” (Tim Manion), and “Though the Mountains May Fall” (Dan Schutte).

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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

OYH Live! An Evening with Marty Haugen

Scenes from the 2019 OYH Parish Mission in Canton, Ohio.

Scenes from the 2019 OYH Parish Mission in Canton, Ohio.

It’s our first ever live episode! Recorded with a live audience at St. Michael the Archangel parish in Canton, Ohio, this interview is from the second night of a three-night parish mission given just before Lent in March, 2019. Join Zack and Matt for a conversation with composer Marty Haugen about several of his best-known songs. They’ll explore song writing, approaches to setting Scripture, instrumentation and musical styles, and more. It’s the same kind of interview as our other episodes, just with 250 of our closest friends! You don’t want to miss it!

So, please open your hymnal!


Episode links

For more information about Marty Haugen and his other compositions, visit his composer page at GIA Publications or his personal website at www.martyhaugen.net.

If you want to find out more about bringing Open Your Hymnal to your community for a live event, send us a message through the “Contact Us” page.

You can purchase a copy of the score and a copy of the song recordings for Marty’s songs you heard in this episode: “Gather Us In,” “Shepherd Me, O God,” “Eye Has Not Seen,” “We Remember,” “Holy, Holy” from Mass of Creation, and “Canticle of the Sun.”

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All content of this podcast is property of Look Up Here Productions or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.